
4th European Godly Play Conference - Germany 2012

The 4th European Godly Play Conference will take place September 20-24 2012 at Burg Bodenstein, a castle in the centre of Germany.

The theme of the conference is Playful Mentoring. Godly Play supports children's spiritual nurture and one of its chief features is acknowleging the contribution that play makes to a child's spiritual development. But how do Godly Play practitioners -- in their roles of storytellers and door persons (welcomers) -- understand and support this specific link between play and spiritual growth?

Certainly, much of what takes place in the Godly Play process depends to a large extent on the attitudes of the adults in the room. Therefore, this conference focuses on the role of Godly Play teachers as mentors. What do they need to do to encourage playfulness in children? How do they encounter their own needs to (re)connect spiritual experience, knowledge and community with play? What are the limits and opportunities to evaluate the Godly Play process when it is characterized by this quality of playfulness and joy? The conference programme has been designed with the aim of helping participants address these questions. There will be times to discover and to wonder, to share thoughts and to enjoy silence, to celebrate and to be surprised by the unknown.

The main language for the conference is English. However, there will be times built into the programme for work in different language groups.

'Burg Bodenstein'is a small XI century castle in the heart of today's united Germany, just a few miles from the old border ('iron curtain') separating East and West, and near the medieval city of Mühlhausen, whose cathedral the young Bach was organ master.

More information
Godly Play Germany's website contains more info in English, as well as a number of photos.
· Conference flyer
· Registration info
· Conference programme
· Children welcome
· Travel instructions
Organizing group: Hilde Delin (Norway),
Peter Privett (UK), Martin
Steinhäuser (Germany), David Pritchard
(Spain), Juha Luodeslampi (Finland),
Evamaria Simon (Germany), Rune Oystese
(Norway), Ulrike Labuhn (Germany) y
Uwe Huchthausen (Germany), who
took the photo.


Advance notice of the next Godly Play day in Spain

We now have a date for our next national Godly Play day. It will take place in Castiñeiras (in the Galician province of A Coruña) on Saturday, 3 March 2012.

The programme will include a talk/lecture, workshops and the AGM of our new Godly Play Spain association, in which we hope to elect the first board of directors, as well as agree to projects for this first stage of this new structure.

The invited speaker is Ulrike Labuhn, a Godly Play teacher trainer in Germany, a specialist in the spiritual mentoring of young children, and a recent author.

We will soon post more details about the event and the programme. Meanwhile, please note the date in your diary!

Photo: Ulrike Labuhn